Riverhawk Hydraulic Safety Interlock Guard Tensioner

hydraulic safety interlock guard tensioner riverhawk photo

The Hydraulic Safety Interlock Guard Tensioner (HSIG) from Riwerhawk features an innovative design for safe tensioning of a fastener projecting from a structural member such as a bolt, rod or stud, thus enabling a secure mechanical connection between, for example, counter flanges in machinery.

Highly loaded fasteners hold a massive amount of potential energy. In case of a fastener failure during tensioning, the released energy may propel the fastener or tool at high speeds, essentially converting it into a dangerous projectile.

The new and patented hydraulic interlock of the Riwerhawk HSIG clamps securely to equipment, and it will fully absorb as well as contain the tool in case of equipment failure during tensioning. No other hydraulic tensioner can provide this level of safety in your operational environment.


hydraulic safety interlock guard tensioner riverhawk diagram
  • Designed for complete containment of all parts in case of fastener failure
  • Interchangeable components allow easy replacement on the go
  • Use with Riwerhawks HRT tensioner for over stroke protection
  • Light lift weight accommodates single-person operation
  • More tactile feedback from the bolt tensioner during installation eliminates unsafe operation
  • Custom design available to fit your application envelope and load requirements